Three wanted to bring the ‘Every Day Wonderful’ promised to customers, to those who delivered the message and represented the brand.
Challenges included an aggressive recruitment drive that needed to be incorporated into the design and works. Headcount continued to increase dramatically throughout the programme from 570 to 941. The works were also carried out whilst in full occupation.
Three wanted to provide a vibrant and dynamic workplace that employees would be proud of, talk about outside of work, increase satisfaction and productivity:
92% Staff Wish List answered
New display handsets onsite
Improved communication
570 – 941 increased densities
Increased training sessions inline with recruitment
84% usage of new meeting spaces (core hours)
“One of our key KPIs is employee engagement. When we started our engagement scores were really quite low at 44% - by the time we finished they were 86%. There are many other ways we’re getting benefits from the environment. Productivity is one of them but also attracting employees into the business and staff being ambassadors”.
Diana Kilmartin, Director, People Workspace and Strategic Planning